CibusTec 2023

Thank you for visiting us at CibusTec in Parma!
From October 24h to 27th, 2023, Yamato Scale was presented at the CibusTec exhibition in Parma,

Multihead weighers, Multihead Scales, Automatic Multihead Equipment, Automatic Dataweigh, Computer Combination Weighers, Industrial Weighers, Dynamic Weighing Systems

Yamato EPSILON Series Multihead weighers

The EPSILON Series multihead weighers offer an excellent price/performance ratio and are suited for the dosing of all types of bulk goods. Their outstanding performance in terms of precision and speed makes them stand out from the rest.

Data Acquisition

All Yamato multihead weighers and checkweighers are capable of using data acquisition software. This enables a fast data exchange between the scales and a PC.

Product contact parts

In case of a production change, you can continue to use your multihead weigher. All you need to do is replace the elements that come into contact with the product. Turning a scale initially used for dry applications into one for sticky products or mixtures is quick and easy.

A webcam for more effective process monitoring

Effective process monitoring has never been easier. A webcam, integrated at the crucial points of your packaging line, provides you with a complete overview and allows you to react quickly and efficiently in the case of a disruption.

Контрольные весы серии J + детектор металла

J-Series Checkweigher

The Checkweighers of the J-Series are an innovation of the already successful I-Series. These weighers are characterized by an equally high quality and reliability, but belong to our low-cost segment. Their key benefit is outstanding performance in extremely competitive conditions.